
Be Fair

The wind was not cold but cold enough to put “the college” hoodie on all of us. We continued walking towards night canteen. I had a tough choice ahead double cheese Maggi or BBC (dish at our night canteen).   Meanwhile a scent kept distracting my decision making. So I sniffed around and it was him. I looked into his eyes only to see him chuckling.   The next one year in campus carried this brand’s fragrance in its air. A year back, I met a friend. He had a peculiar smell coming from his shirt. Since he was a good friend. I decided to be brutally honest with him. He couldn’t agree to the fact that the smell was pathetic. The reason being back in his college a girl told him he smells great. She even asked if he had custom made perfume for him.   I know what she was doing. My friend took it rather seriously. Anyways I have convinced him but still once in a blue moon he thinks she really meant it. I guess this could be the only reason why men’s section have overtaken...

Dined well, Dined what?

Dined well, Dined what? These days when I pick my phone to order food. It gets me thinking how convenient ordering and eating has become. I can track my food at every instance, but if you think deep. We have no idea where the food is coming from, we have no idea where it was grown, what pesticides and fertilizers were used. The tracking which was so easy, in reality was not that easy.   Remember, scanning all the shelves of supermarket and then picking up the perfect healthy packaged food. We think it is healthy because the packaging screams healthy. Have you ever looked at each ingredient and bought that without even understanding what these ingredients are? I have done that, multiple times.   When you look at ingredients section, you see words like permitted preservatives, artificial flavouring added. Then there are some big chemical names, of what I recall weren’t present in my chemistry textbook. Do we know what they really mean? How will they affect us? At that...

Lucky You!

Lucky you!                I had a long day at work. I go back home turn on the TV and they talk. They talk about war, unemployment, naxalism, corruption and poverty. Such a sad world!  I don’t have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. I possibly don’t have time to think about 1 billion people who might have to sleep hungry tonight. I deserve a hot delicious meal after a tiring day like this. We have created institutions and governments who promise to fight the battle on our behalf. One such institution which I adored was World Bank.   They define “extreme poverty” as living on less than $1.90 per person per day. Don’t worry, they are equipped to fight this battle. This is their millennium development goal.   One of the way, they tell us, we have to open up our markets believe in free enterprise and welcome capitalism. They say capitalism is the cure, it pulled millions of peop...

Quite perfect!

Today, this moment is quite perfect! And if you ask me to describe how I feel. I would probably put it like this. I am driving the best car mankind has ever made. At front seat i have Don McLean singing for me. I have Eric Clapton at the back seat with guitar. I look out of window to feel the wind gushing through my face. The earthy scent after the rain is mesmerising me.  The pluviophile inside is loving the drizzle. Lush green mountains are spanning through horizon. Sun is hiding behind shapeless clouds. It's quite perfect! The bags that weighed me down just fell on the road. This time i didn't pull over to pick them again. Looks like I have hit the awaited highway! The ride has a meaning only known to me and those who can decrypt my songs. There is peace in my heart All that I am losing and finding in this ride. What an adventurous ride it has been uphill, downhill and uphill again. I would lie if I were to say I was not scared. The people I pulled ov...


Where time precedes everything, everyone! Where no one cares about where you come from, All that matters is where you are going. Where emotions fell little short, And buildings went a little too tall Where there was less of judgement, More of realisations.  Where we all run and run faster, Than mind processes and heart pumps. Where the lights are bright, Brighter than eyes could take Where the highway leads nowhere. Somewhere, only if you enjoy the ride Where all I know about you, Is you are a dream chaser! It’s the sweet, sweaty smell of hope It’s the smell of salt in the air It’s the smell of shrines and temples! It’s the feeling of standing on the tallest building With the wind gushing against, With the thrill of making it big! A city drenched in emotions A city that turns illusions into reality A city that thrives on vada pav A city that lets you be!          ...

That you are

The enigma that you are, You will never fit anywhere and that’s your beauty! The hunger that you are, You will never stop anywhere and that’s your drive! The imagination that you are, You will carry your canvas everywhere and that’s your power!


Crowned The day she felt his touch, She felt their shallowness. For every time he lied, His touch said it all. He would crave for her body, And not her stories. She was broken yet so enough, He was unable to carry it. She was the warmest place he knew, She hoped someday he would be the same. She was too much shine to go unnoticed, Tenderness and strength all in one So he entered with a plan. When all the belittling didn’t work, And she still talked about the miracles. He felt less of a man with her. Darling, do not shrink Girl, go and grow You are in the process of being crowned In exchange of the venom he left.