Quite perfect!

Today, this moment is quite perfect! And if you ask me to describe how I feel. I would probably put it like this. I am driving the best car mankind has ever made. At front seat i have Don McLean singing for me. I have Eric Clapton at the back seat with guitar. I look out of window to feel the wind gushing through my face. The earthy scent after the rain is mesmerising me. The pluviophile inside is loving the drizzle. Lush green mountains are spanning through horizon. Sun is hiding behind shapeless clouds. It's quite perfect! The bags that weighed me down just fell on the road. This time i didn't pull over to pick them again. Looks like I have hit the awaited highway! The ride has a meaning only known to me and those who can decrypt my songs. There is peace in my heart All that I am losing and finding in this ride. What an adventurous ride it has been uphill, downhill and uphill again. I would lie if I were to say I was not scared. The people I pulled ov...