Lucky You!

Lucky you! I had a long day at work. I go back home turn on the TV and they talk. They talk about war, unemployment, naxalism, corruption and poverty. Such a sad world! I don’t have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. I possibly don’t have time to think about 1 billion people who might have to sleep hungry tonight. I deserve a hot delicious meal after a tiring day like this. We have created institutions and governments who promise to fight the battle on our behalf. One such institution which I adored was World Bank. They define “extreme poverty” as living on less than $1.90 per person per day. Don’t worry, they are equipped to fight this battle. This is their millennium development goal. One of the way, they tell us, we have to open up our markets believe in free enterprise and welcome capitalism. They say capitalism is the cure, it pulled millions of peop...