Dined well, Dined what?

Dined well, Dined what? These days when I pick my phone to order food. It gets me thinking how convenient ordering and eating has become. I can track my food at every instance, but if you think deep. We have no idea where the food is coming from, we have no idea where it was grown, what pesticides and fertilizers were used. The tracking which was so easy, in reality was not that easy. Remember, scanning all the shelves of supermarket and then picking up the perfect healthy packaged food. We think it is healthy because the packaging screams healthy. Have you ever looked at each ingredient and bought that without even understanding what these ingredients are? I have done that, multiple times. When you look at ingredients section, you see words like permitted preservatives, artificial flavouring added. Then there are some big chemical names, of what I recall weren’t present in my chemistry textbook. Do we know what they really mean? How will they affect us? At that...