The desire becomes the want
The want becomes the need
The need becomes the addiction.
When the fire burns, 

Not in the dense forest
But in the forest of thoughts
Thoughts to achieve
“Its not in your limit”
to prove the author wrong.
This author can’t write my destiny

I know the key
I know the lock
But I don’t know how to open the lock
Or may be I simply cant
Every step I take, every rule I make
Something drags
I know what drags but still I fail to keep it away
This drag throws water to my fire

My fire, my fire, my fire
When will it burn the “drags”
And give light to my desire
I know……………….
This fire will fulfill me, the day it has burnt the drags.


                                                                 PRERNA MISHRA
                                                                         Class 11, 2009



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