Beautiful is not always stable…

Beautiful and as I say this word, something must strike your mind. Be it nature, love, family and friends. what makes these things beautiful are that they are forever.
Beauty as I thought is pleasing, soothing, mesmerizing and of course stable.

 As I try and delve this feeling of beautiful. I find myself hanging in the sky. All things I thought to be beautiful have changed. I remember how badly I wanted some things in my life to stay just the same forever, but it changed. Everything changed. All the time I connected these two words beauty and stability, I thought this is it! ooh such a naive I was!

Stability is a lie. Nothing is stable. I am changing, the syllabus in my school is changing, relationship status is changing, and even the mountains are shifting.
Perhaps no body is at rest.

Confused, I realized only change is constant.
 This acceptance was hard! 

For a girl, who has changed her school every 5 years, making new friends, visiting new place.
Change should not be a tough thing. Now when, i talk to old friends, we struggle to find  topics. Years back, we could not stop for a minute.
This beautiful friendship we had, has not died. It has just faded. The glow has diminished because of the distance. It would still not be the same friendship if we were together till date. We might be best friends then!

As I take this complaint to my father, and tell him I am at lose of words.
He says it is a universal problem. Its like you have not shared experiences together, sat back and judged a third person together. Either those task or not in to-do list or you have a new partner. Emotional transactions have to be updated to keep the account going.

As a beloved says “My love for you will remain this way forever, I will never change.”
 I am nobody to say this is a false statement!
But you see, you will change, knowingly or unknowingly, for the love of knowledge or through some not so good experience. All this will help you, know yourself better and in turn know your love better. 

(to be continued) **too many emotions, give me some time**


  1. i like it.. change is indeed constant :)

  2. Thank you...Nayani Sarma. Appreciate your cognizance.

  3. Good one..In this world there is nothing that is never changing..
    Nothing last forever ..Every thing what we feel in current moment is just hallucination ..

  4. Settling into a new environment is like getting used to a new pair of first they pinch a little..but you like the way they you carry on...stunning writing ability you have..impressive!!


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