It's just us

It’s just us….
                                                                                                              Prerna Mishra

From the fear of losing, from the fear of being laughed at, from the fear of rising higher than acquaintances. Today burn this, for it does not allow me to walk with me.

I have had good days and bad days. I have had questions at the end of the day no body answered. I have cried among deaf people and smiled among blind people.

Mondays I let the problem win over and other days I won. Walking with nothing that is my, yet I felt everything is for me.

Travelling with closed eyes seemed an overwhelming idea to me. Let me never acknowledge what has gone wrong, there is nothing to rectify.

I have my own odds, I am fighting; this fight gets over the day my slumber is forever.
I remain with no time, so pass on the task. Pass it to superman, batman, Spiderman or any man in that case I am not bothered.

Do not let the voice in my heart be audible enough to malign my plans.

My eyes were closed, at least as I thought.

Economics was just showing me its true colours, before the semester. I thought to myself “I have underestimated the subject”. Every sentence seemed deeper than Pacific Ocean. 

The chapter was poverty. Let it be little knowledge and more marks. I tried hard not to get into relationship with this chapter. As the pages went on, I was falling for it. I could not stop but think about the failure of every poverty elimination programme. Ashamed when malnutrition in my country was competing with poor African country, wining most of them. The vicious cycle of poverty lingered on my mind. Poverty, illiteracy and unemployment, three words and statistics behind them made me sad.
Even worse, when I thought I could do nothing to alleviate it.

Newspaper might help, but the headlines were enervating as it reported about the genocide in Syria. Mr Assad, America, Russia and fratricide, here goes the Syrian cycle.

Turn the page, it goes ‘scientist says glacier melting faster than ever’.
Next page showed ‘young girl molested.’

I put on the television, voice was familiar, sentence even more. ‘nation wants to know Mr Jha, what have you done about the price rise’?
Mr Jha started mentioning some proposal by Mr Gandhi, was interrupted within 7 seconds. This went on ..

Here I was, knowing about a myriad problem.
I knew, the owner of these problems, was just us.
I knew the buyers, us.

All that has gone wrong, we have helped it go astray.
A lot of time we adjusted. Other times, we asked some amorphous leader to fight.

We did nothing. You watched it helplessly. I watched it vegetate.

There is a reason you did this and me too.

We have ingeniously crafted our comfort zone, which is super comfortable. Doing something means stepping out.

It’s the need to be understood that kept me from speaking.
It’s the need to be comfortable that kept me from acting.

A lot of time your heart may have skipped a beat. When you saw the sprouted kids feeding themselves on scrap. You may have thought to stop by, do something.

You could not, some thing urgent was always waiting on the other side.
I have been one of you.

Many blame the parent, some berate the apathetic government. Yes blame all, bawl, how I wish that could help! We would have sorted many by now.

I can not exactly tell, if an individual can rise above all problems and solve them.
Albeit a few have challenged and changed.

I know spiderman will never come to decipher these. It is you, or some one from us who will. It is just us, who will someday, do something unique.

Rising from the fear of falling,
Rising from being mocked at,
Saying good bye to the comfort zone.
One day you will
We will
Dissolve the ubiquitous dearth. 


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